Nature Based Learning - FAA

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Consultation has concluded

Welcome to the FAA only Nature-Based Learning Engagement.

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Welcome to the FAA only Nature-Based Learning Engagement.

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What impact would ​the implementation of this program have on your school?

Consultation has concluded

Nature based learning is already a big part of Spitzee's work! The location of our school is excellent for getting kids out of the classroom and into our urban environment. We have quick access to George Lane Park and the trails and pathways located north of "Adam's Field" near McLaughlin Meadows. Classrooms are using orienteering skills as well as information they have collected on their trail cameras, purchased specifically for our environmental learning. We have also enlisted the support of Bruce Masterman, Town Councillor, author and naturalist to help guide the work that our students and staff are doing. When restrictions are lifted, we will further our scope of learning as we check out the rural areas which are just minutes from our school's doorstep. We have teachers on staff that are working on many innovative environmentally focused learning experiences for students and one staff member who is pursuing this kind of learning as part of her Masters work. We have a large contingent on our staff who are also focused on Indigenous based learning which ties into our culture and further, onto the land and into nature. We would also be very interested in pursuing Environmental Learning as part of or work as a UNESCO school.

Bill Holmes about 4 years ago

Realistically, it could have a huge impact on the numbers in our building. We have already been impacted by MRS, and have declining numbers with our enrolment. Potentially, this could further impact us.

Winter about 4 years ago

I believe this would greatly impact our WMS community. Many of our families appreciate and look forward to this opportunity in the school and I feel we would see those families leaving, or part of the family leaving. While the program is great for many students, it has it's limitations in being able to manage where students have significant medical, complex, or behavioral needs. This means one student in a family may stay here, while another may go to Percy Pegler. This doesn't allow for a fully Inclusive Education system. There also is a disproportionate ratio of parents who have been choosing this option with about 80% males in this class. The classes and schools then become imbalanced as the students requiring EA supports are not able to access the program.
I feel this will have a negative impact on our school if the teacher leaves and there would be less impact if we could maintain our programming not to disrupt what we have built and been able to offer at WMS, and if the Alternative Program were to be set up other staff could be hired to run it at the new site so families don't have to choose to leave their community school.
I know I have spoken to parents who are concerned about the potential loss to WMS.

opass about 4 years ago